Welcome to Lindstrom!
We incorporate our animals into the farm by composting the manure of the sheep, chickens and horses and feeding the animals damaged crops of leftovers from the field.
We build community through providing opportunities and requiring that members work on the farm to connect with each other and the land. By supporting our CSA, you are contributing to the development of a healthy local economy.

The Farmer
Julie is the farmer behind Shepherd Moon Farm. The farm was started by her mother, Terry, and was passed along to her for the 2017 season after they had worked together intermittently for 5 years. The farm is on Dakota land and the land that Julie grew up on in the St. Croix River Valley.
Julie is the fifth child of the Arnold crew and grew up working with her siblings in the garden, hauling wood, and playing outside. Growing vegetables in community is part of her roots. After college and 4 years as a seasonal transient, working on different farms and schools, Julie could not resist the call back to the family land. Her passion for farming goes beyond growing food; it is a way of life and building community. It also challenges the dominant framework that values profit above all else. She is excited about building community through CSA and creating new systems for relating to food and connecting with one another.

The Farm
Shepherd Moon Farm is a family run farm using sustainable farming methods. We are committed to caring for the earth, creating a vibrant local community, and developing local economy. We care for the earth by maintaining a healthy balance in the soil through crop rotation, limited tilling, mulching and using compost to replenish the soil. We incorporate our animals into the farm by composting the manure of the sheep, chickens, and horses and feeding the animals damaged crops of leftovers from the field. We build community through having members committee to working a day on the farm each season to support the growing healthy good food movement. By supporting our CSA, you are contributing to the development of a healthy local economy.

Our Name
We are shepherded by the cycles of the moon as we care for the Earth. We are aware of the cycles of the moon as we plant and tend to our crops.
Two woman farming create a cycle connected to each other, especially with a mother/daughter farming team. We strive to work in rhythm and harmony with each other. Julie now runs the farm on her own but Terry is never farm from the fields.