Shepherd Moon Farm is a small, woman-owned, family run CSA using sustainable farming methods to feed our communities. We’re committed to caring for the Earth, creating a vibrant local community, and developing local economy. We offer spring, summer, and fall share options.

Who We Are
We are a family run farm in Lindstrom, MN serving the Twin Cities area. The farm is run by Julie using sustainable farming methods. We are committed to caring for the earth, creating a vibrant local community, and developing local economy.

What we offer
We have a few different share options for different parts of the growing season– spring, summer, and fall. The summer share is offered in full and half sizes. We are also excited to offer add-on shares for all your pesto, salsa, tomato, kimchi, and sauerkraut needs!

How we’re keeping Safe
Safety is a top priority for us. We are following guidelines from the University of Minnesota extension for fruit and vegetable growers to keep everyone healthy while being well fed.